Friday, October 17, 2014

Fazenda Iracambi by Ben Le Breton

Situated 341 kilometres northwest of Rio de Janeiro, in the large state of Minas Gerais, lies Fazenda Iracambi. Known by everyone all around for its acclaimed research center, Iracambi works in managing natural resources, developing sustainable communities and researching ecosystems in its very own rainforest.
Covering hundreds of hectares, Iracambi is half farmland and half rainforest. The research center is located on the edge of this Atlantic rainforest. The owners of the property, who happen to be my grandparents, live on a hill in a grand house built by them, almost 20 years ago. It is a lovely old house, square shaped with a courtyard in the middle. It is a very environmentally-friendly house; half of the electricity is hydro-electrically powered and the water all comes from a stream uphill.
Wherever one is on Iracambi, they will always have a spectacular view. Most of the time the two local mountains, Grominha and Itajaru, will be visible. Yes, the view of the mountains is splendid, but the view from on top of the mountains is one hundred times better! Seeing everywhere within several kilometres’ radius, with grassy hills on one side and a verdant rainforest on the other.
view from the top of the hill overlooking the fazenda
the flower from a banana tree
pineapple-looking plant
Looking at the farm, one would see the hills dotted with various farm creatures; goats, cows, sheep and horses. In sharp contrast to the vivid green, red dusty roads trail along the bottoms of hills, leading to old style mud farm cottages. Looking at the rainforest, one would see trees alive with exotic butterflies and birds, and the damp ground teeming with a frenzied insect activity. A common activity, best done in the dry season, is walking the trail along the Graminha river. Under the canopy of the local trees, the Mbauba, one will eventually end up at the famous swimming spot.
Iracambi is phenomenal; there is no better word to describe it. It is highly recommendable for anyone, young and old, to visit. The hospitality is appreciable, and one thing is for sure; you will always be welcome! 

1 comment:

  1. Great! Any time you want a job as Publicity Manager for Iracambi, you're hired!
