Saturday, September 13, 2014

Alaskan Humour.... dry. As you'd expect, from people who live life much closer to the edge than the rest of us.

Take, for example, this Tsunami warning.

These are official government warnings, posted regularly in many coastal areas of the country, and because tsunamis are a genuine threat.

And here's how one local had distilled the instructions outside his home:

We went to the Alaska State Fair in Anchorage, where we saw an artisanal carver making friendly little woodcarvings to put outside your front door welcoming passers by.

Clearly these were meant for tourists. When we looked at the section where he made woodcarvings for the locals to put outside their doors, this is what we saw:

(This was the same State Fair by the way where, tucked in between a hotdog stand and the candy floss, was a small stall selling guns, with actual guns on display.........!)

Other evidence of the Alaskan sense of humour included the "Panoramic view" sign where they included a helpful artist's rendition of what the panoramic view would look like if the clouds ever lifted....

The helpful suggestion that, in this particular area, dogs aren't allowed to poo. So if you (as we did), find a large pile of fresh poo, it's probably come from a bear.....

And finally, my absolute favourite, genuinely photographed in a public toilet in Alaska, showing how Alaskans respond to public health pronouncements (and, indeed, any other pronouncements) from the government. Check out the helpful hand-written comment under "Wash Your Hands".....

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