Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Racing Through the Rockies

Unbelievably beautiful, this part of the world. We've camped overnight in Glacier (the Canadian one, where we woke up from a cloudy evening camp to a stunning snowy mountain vista), Yoho (on the shores of Lake Yoho, where we were bold enough to dip our toes in the glacial waters, but no further), and now we're in Banff. And along the way we've had a wedding anniversary (23 years on the 27th July, can you believe!), a visit to the fabulous Grizzy Bear Ranch (http://grizzlybearranch.ca) in the Selkirk Mountains, a spectacular day out to see the old paddle steamer that used to tramp the lakes in these parts, and a couple of healthy storms to keep us on our toes. Today is Mands' birthday in Banff, with a properly hot and sunny day to celebrate. Off to the hot springs shortly for some birthday TLC., and then tomorrow we turn northwards, and we don't deviate until we've pretty much hit the Arctic Ocean!

Mands and Max in Banff

Grizzly Bear Ranch

Dipping our toes in the icy Yoho Lake

A useful reminder…...

Flying the flag high!

Trying again, this time in Lake Minniewanka (no, really, that's its name!)

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